


Plastic Surgery located in Southlake, TX

Aging, excess sun exposure, smoking, and other factors can all cause unsightly wrinkling and sagging. If you’d like a more youthful appearance, visit Tarik Madni, MD, in Southlake, Texas, to discuss a facelift. Dr. Madni has extensive experience performing traditional facelifts and targeted procedures like brow lifts to reverse the effects of aging. Call Tarik Madni, MD, to discover how you could look after a facelift or book an appointment online today.

Facelift Q & A

What is a facelift?

Facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery lifts and/or tightens your facial skin and tissues to rejuvenate your appearance. You could achieve:

  • Wrinkle reduction/elimination
  • A sharper, smoother jawline
  • Increased cheek volume
  • A smoother neck

Dr. Madni’s facelift surgery expertise gives patients a youthful appearance that boosts self-esteem and confidence. However, it’s vital that patients considering facelifts enjoy good mental and physical health, don’t smoke, and recognize what’s realistically achievable. 

What facelift surgery should I undergo?

Dr. Madni offers several facelift procedures, including:

Traditional facelift

A traditional facelift is the most comprehensive procedure. Dr. Madni releases deeper tissue layers covering your facial muscles, lifting and tightening them at various points to smooth and tauten age-related imperfections. A traditional facelift can raise/fill your checks, soften your nasolabial folds and jowls, and smoothen your neck. 

Lower face and neck lift 

While Dr. Madni still releases the deeper tissue with this lift, his main focus is the jowl and neck region. It’s ideal for those who still have a youthful face but notice signs of an aging neck. 

Lip lift

A lip lift shortens the philtrum (the area between your top lip and nose) to reduce upper lip thinning.

Patients with milder signs of aging who aren’t ready for surgery might prefer a liquid (nonsurgical) facelift combining injectable anti-aging treatments like Botox® and dermal fillers. To determine which options suit you best, consult Dr. Madni.

What should I expect from my facelift consultation?

At your initial facelift consultation, Dr. Madni examines your facial tissues, discusses what you hope to achieve from a facelift, and ensures surgery is suitable for you. If you and he are happy to proceed, you can book your procedure, but you’re free to change your mind anytime.

Facelift surgery will require general anesthetic, depending on the patient and procedure. Surgery might take several hours or more, after which you typically will stay overnight. You’ll have dressings covering the surgery site.

Recovery time after a facelift is typically 2-4 weeks, but it can take around six months to see the final results.

Call Tarik Madni, MD, to learn more about rejuvenating your appearance, or schedule a facelift consultation online today.