


Plastic Surgery located in Southlake, TX

Mastopexy surgery is a cosmetic procedure that lifts sagging breast tissue. If aging, childbirth, or weight loss have caused your breasts to droop, talk to Tarik Madni, MD, in Southlake, Texas. He’s an experienced plastic surgeon offering outstanding results to women affected by breast sagging and other aesthetic issues. Call Tarik Madni, MD, today to learn how mastopexy could transform your figure, or use the online booking form to schedule a consultation.

Mastopexy Q & A

What is mastopexy?

Mastopexy, more commonly known as breast lift surgery, raises your breast tissue to correct natural sagging. Mastopexy is suitable for people with:

  • Breasts that have lost shape or volume
  • Pendulous breasts with a flatter, elongated shape
  • Nipples that fall below your breast crease when unsupported
  • Downward-pointing nipples and areolas
  • Stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • One breast that’s lower than the other

Mastopexy doesn’t increase breast size or add fullness to the upper breast. However, you could combine it with breast augmentation, using implants to increase breast size and/or add fullness. 

If you have large breasts, you could combine mastopexy with breast reduction surgery instead, depending on your needs. 

Would I benefit from mastopexy?

Mastopexy surgeries benefit women whose breasts have lost their youthful perkiness and started drooping. These changes often result from aging, but other factors that worsen or accelerate the process include:

  • Gravity (especially on large breasts)
  • Genetics
  • Major weight loss
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding

Only consider cosmetic surgery for yourself, not to meet anyone else’s needs or fit an idealized image. Dr. Madni can help you decide whether mastopexy is your best option after performing a physical exam, discussing your goals, and assessing your general mental and physical health.

For the best results, you should be generally healthy, have a stable weight, and not smoke.

What happens when I undergo mastopexy?

To perform mastopexy surgery, Dr. Madni removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin from your breasts. He tightens the remaining skin to raise your breast tissue higher. 

Mastopexy surgery is reasonably straightforward, so most patients don’t need overnight hospital stays. You can go home after a recovery period to allow the anesthetic effects to wear off.

How long will I need to recover from mastopexy?

Mastopexy recovery times vary from person to person, but patients typically return to work within 1-2 weeks. Swelling might persist for 3-6 weeks. To optimize your recovery, you should:

  • Rest and relax
  • Avoid vigorous exercise
  • Wear supportive clothing
  • Take your medications as prescribed
  • Attend follow-up visits
  • Avoid smoking

Dr. Madni evaluates your healing at follow-up appointments and advises when you can safely return to your usual activities.

Call Tarik Madni, MD, today to discuss your mastopexy options or book a breast lift surgery evaluation online.