
What to Expect When Recovering From a Facelift

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What to Expect When Recovering From a Facelift

Are you gearing up for your upcoming facelift? It’s normal to feel a range of emotions from pure excitement to a few jitters. Regardless of how you’re feeling, knowing what to expect during your recovery can ensure that your body has what you need to heal and your mind is ready for the downtime. 

During your consultation and pre-op appointments, Tarik Madni, MD in South Lake, Texas,  reviews everything you can expect before, during, and after surgery. Keep in mind that everyone's recovery experience is unique.

In the meantime, here's a general guide to help you prepare for the post-facelift recovery period.

What to expect immediately after surgery

After surgery, our team monitors you as you emerge from anesthesia. It’s normal to feel groggy or even nauseous. These are both normal and to be expected. 

Immediately after your facelift, you may experience swelling, bruising, and tightness in the 

treated areas. This is entirely normal and is a result of the surgical process. Dr. Madni will provide you with specific post-operative instructions, which should be followed meticulously.

What to expect in the hours after your surgery

In most cases, you can count on an overnight stay after your facelift. You will likely notice:

Swelling and bruising

Swelling and bruising are common side effects of facelift surgery and can be at their peak during the first few days after the procedure. Keep your head elevated to help reduce swelling. The bruising will gradually subside over the next couple of weeks.

Pain and discomfort

You might experience some discomfort, but Dr. Madni can prescribe pain medications to manage it. It's crucial to follow his instructions and take your medication as directed.

Stitches and dressings

You'll likely have stitches and dressings in place after the surgery. You will receive guidance on when these will be removed, usually within a week or so. Proper wound care is essential to prevent infection and promote healing.

What to expect at home

Once you return home, it’s important to follow all discharge instructions as carefully as possible. This may include:

Activity restrictions

Limit strenuous activities during your initial recovery. Avoid activities (or any sleeping positions) that may put pressure on your face. Rest is your best friend during this time. Give yourself the space to rest and heal. Catch up on your favorite show, read a good book, or tune into a new podcast.

Returning to normal life

You may need to take some time off work and social activities during your initial recovery period, which can last anywhere from two to four weeks. How long you take off from work depends on your role, its physical requirements, and your comfort level. Be patient with yourself and don't rush back into your regular routine.

What to expect in the coming weeks

In the initial weeks after your surgery, your discomfort starts to ease up, and you may be cleared for light activities. It's important to understand that the final results of your facelift may not be immediately apparent. Swelling and bruising can mask the true outcome. As your face heals, you'll start to see the gradual improvement in your appearance.

Emotional and psychological benefits 

When you’re recovering, you’ll probably focus first on the physical recovery, and that’s normal. However, you can also expect some emotional and psychological changes too. These aspects of your facelift recovery are just as important as the physical ones. 

It’s normal to feel a range of emotions after plastic surgery, especially when you’re in the midst of recovery with swelling and discomfort. As you adjust to your new look, consider journaling your thoughts to help you process all of your emotions. 

As you start to heal, you may notice a boost in your self-esteem and overall confidence. Your new facelift can give you a new lease on life, and that can feel empowering! 

Follow-up appointments

Dr. Madni and team schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Attend these appointments as recommended.

What to expect long-term

Even after you've fully recovered, it's important to continue taking care of your skin. Sun protection, a healthy lifestyle, a nutrient-dense diet, and a good skin care routine will help maintain your facelift results over time.

Thinking about scheduling a consultation for a facelift? Give us a call at 817-518-7983 to book your consultation. Or, simply try our online booking tool.